
How many gallons of water are in my pond?

Simple! It’s just the average length x average depth x average width in feet
and then multiply by 7.48 to give you US gallons!

How many fish can I keep in my pond?

A general rule of thumb is; “For every 10 gallons of pond water, you can have 1 inch of fish”. For example; a 500 gallon pond means you can have 50 inches of fish (excluding tails!). A 1,000 gallon pond means 100 inches of fish.”

When is the best time to add a water treatment my pond?

In the morning, when you are around to keep an eye on how things go. This way, if there is an emergency, you can rectify in daylight and when stores are open!!

Do I turn my pump off at night?

Noooo! Please keep them running all the time. Why? Well, plants absorb oxygen at night instead of providing it and also all that “good bacteria” in your filters will die without water and oxygen flowing through it.

Am I OK to power-wash my filters so they look all sparkly and new?

No thank you! Chlorinated tap water will kill all the “good bacteria”. Please rinse the filters regularly with a bucket of pond water. Dirty pond water is excellent for watering your plants

I have a filter in my pump, so this will clear my pond, right?

I am sorry but no, this is just there to protect the pump, nothing more. If you need a filter – add a filter, combined with a UV clarifier. By adding a filter this will help with the maintenance of your pond and the water quality.

Is a liner more difficult than a pre-formed pond to install?

A flexible liner does give you ultimate flexibility to create exactly what you want, where you want it. Installing them is easier as they are more forgiving.
A preformed pool can look neater when installed as no creases, but ultimately they still need to be supported.
Remember to ensure the pool is level across all sides for best results.
Always ensure you have a flat bottom – it’s better for pumps and more importantly, less creases!

What size hose shall I use in my pond?

Where possible use the biggest bore you can as this reduces friction and also improves the flow of pumps and filtration.
Remember to always cut off any smaller sections of hose tails provided!

Do I feed my fish all year around?

It depends on your location as the colder the water becomes the less fish will want to eat. Pond fish feed when the temperature is above 50°F as a rule of thumb.